Monday 20 February 2023

10 BIG Books I Want to Read in 2023


Recently I was looking at both Mr H and I's Goodread's Year in Books. Though I read 55 books and he read 38, my annual page total was only 14,326 compared to his 16,372 with my average book length being 260 pages and his 430.
Now, of course, it is no competition and I only mention it because Mr H works full time, has way less free time to read, and still managed a fantastic number of pages. I have a few larger books on my shelves that I put off and put off, intimidated to pick them up...but why?! Therefore this year I've been inspired by Mr H and set my reading goal much lower in the hopes I can get through at least half of the list below.
Everyone will class a book 'big' at different lengths, so for the purpose of this I am listing books of 450 pages or more seeing as my average read last year was only 260! For quite a while now I have also not been making monthly TBR's and instead reading completely what I feel like when I feel like it so we'll see when I make myself pick any of these up haha!

The Book of Dust Vol.2 by Philip Pullman
I've actually already ticked Vol.1 off my list in January and I read it much quicker than expected.
I look forward to getting around to volume 2.

Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
This has sat on my shelf for years and if I don't read it this year, I will be donating it. 
I am interested in things set around Carnivals/Circuses etc and thought the blurb sounded good.

The Ill-Made Mute by Cecilia Dart-Thornton
I picked this up at a used bookstore purely because I liked the cover (don't tell me you have never done the same!).
I did read the first chapter so hope to get around to this book soon.

The Primrose Railway Children by Jacqueline Wilson
I haven't read Jacqueline Wilson since I was a child, however, I am a huge E. Nesbit fan and I'm intrigued to read something inspired by such a classic.

Sepulchre by Kate Mosse
It was back in 2019 when I read Labyrinth and have wanted to read the next in this series since.
It really isn't my usual genre but I '3-starred' the first book so as I own the following two, I do want to at least try them.

A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth by Francesca Gibbons
Probably the most recent publication on my list and another I'm really excited to get around to!
I read the sentence ''...with all the magic of Narnia and the humour of Mary Poppins...'' and was immediately invested!

The Garden of Lost and Found by Harriet Evans
Another I chose purely by title and cover haha.
A charity shop find and I didn't really know what it was about until putting together this post. 

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
This series is another I have owned for far too many years.
I had actually already planned to read it this year and then, like many others, we watched the movie on Netflix in December so now I need to prioritize it and the sequels.

Dracul by Dacre Stoker & J.D. Barker
A long-standing 'joke' with Mr H surrounds this book because I went on and on about it and needed to buy it straight away,
yet it has sat on the shelf since it came out and the sun has even bleached the red from the spine to pink ha.

The Wizards of Once: Twice Magic
My current read after reading the first book at the end of 2020. 
It isn't 460 pages of just writing either and is full of wonderful illustrations and the like breaking it up.


So that's my list of bigger books from my shelves that I hope to work through this year. I'll perhaps do a check-in later in the year with how I'm getting on but as I've started off the year quite well, I am hopeful! 

Until next time...

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