Monday 21 December 2020

The First Walk


I am happiest and nicest when out in nature. I grew up with a view of the sea from my room, going on bike rides through country lanes, spying interesting creatures in rock pools and walking through long grass in fields full of cattle. I don't 'do well' surrounded by busy roads, incessant sirens, ignorant people and no escape. Where I live isn't inner city or even a particularly bad area at all, however life near cities is very different, as are the people. It isn't so bad when you have a car and can drive 15 minutes to the beach or half an hour to a woodland walk, which is what we did semi-regularly 'pre-Covid' (as everyone is saying) but that isn't an option anymore.

Back on the 13th, I had to drive up to my parents to pick up my new inhalers and instead of just driving the 1.5 hours there and turning back around again I got to actually enjoy the outside world. With masks on and walking apart (despite the fact both of us have been in isolation all year), Dad and I got to have a walk together for the first time in 2020. 
In the short space of time we were lucky enough to see so many beautiful birds and barely any other humans at all - life goals! Here was our view.

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