The sky, I feel is just like the sea, magical and mystical. With unlimited different combinations of patterns and colours; there are stars and clouds and rainbows and moons. There are birds and bats and insects. It provides us with heat, with water and I feel it is such a hugely underrated part of our world.
For years I've looked up. Just stop when you are out on a walk and look up and notice how many people whisper 'what are they looking at?!' It's quite funny. But in all sincerity I recommend you look up. Follow the birds with your eyes, spot shapes in the clouds, let raindrops hit your face - it's all wonderful!
Anyway, here are the photos from year 10 of my project 365 that feature the sky!
Check out the skies from previous years:
The Skies of 2021
The Skies of 2020
Check out the skies from previous years:
The Skies of 2021
The Skies of 2020
Until next time...