Monday, 11 November 2019

The 'Lost In a Book' Tag

Book tag time! Traditionally I know that blog tags are something you take part in once another tags you but seeing as we are little loners with no blogger pals in the book community, Google has been our buddy in discovering new tags to do. However if you see any fun tags that you wouldn't mind sharing with us, please do so!

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Mrs: Multiple! Everywhere is for reading! But specifically a sofa under the window in our living room is designated daytime reading area though bed gets used more.
Mr: Well we have a sofa at the back of the living room under window and we call that area the library!! With that being said we don't read there too much we should start to use it more! I read more in bed at home.

Where do you like to read?
Mrs: On holiday, in the sun?! But it's been over 10 years since that happened, so other than that in bed at night with Mr H.
Mr: In our 'library' it's comfy and cosy!

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Mrs: Bookmark.
Mr: Preferably a bookmark, that being said I do sometimes have to use a piece of paper. Today I started a book on the train to work so I currently have a piece of paper keeping my page.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop at a chapter?
Mrs: I very much prefer getting to the end of a chapter if I can, though when reading in bed at night in particular, sometimes I just can't keep my eyes open long enough!
Mr: I prefer to keep it to the chapters, but as I read on public transport ect that isn't always the case.

Do you eat or drink whilst reading?
Mrs: Nope!
Mr: When I'm on my way to work I drink coffee and read.

E-reader or real book?
Mrs: Hi...have you seen our collection? Real book!
Mr: Real book!!!

Music or TV while reading?
Mrs: Sacrilege! I would never be able to concentrate.
Mr: Neither, I like to read in the quiet.

One book at a time or several at once?
Mrs: Currently I've been dealing with one at a time but occasionally I will have up to four on the go at once.
Mr: Erm, I like to try keep to one at a time but I have been known to read several at once.

Reading at home or everywhere?
Mrs: It tends to be more at home but only because I don't leave much!
Mr: I read everywhere as I work a lot.

Reading aloud or silently in your head?
Mrs: In my head...
Mr: Silently in my head.

Fiction or non-fiction?
Mrs: All of the fiction!
Mr: Generally I prefer fiction.

Do you read ahead or skip pages?
Mrs: Who does that?
Mr: No I like to read from beginning to end.

Break the spine or keep a book like new?
Mrs: I do everything in my power to avoid cracking spines, it's my pet peeve when people bend their books back and wreck them.
Mr: I try to keep books like new as much as I can.

Do you write in your books?
Mrs: Again, negative. There are a few, like my original Harry Potter series, that I penned my name in as a kid - but never again.
Mr: No! I never write in books.

What are you currently reading?
Mrs: Eragon by Christopher Paolini 
Mr: A book containing three storys by J.R.R Tolkien - Tree and leaf

[Check out our full November TBR list by clicking right here.]

I mentioned in a previous one of these tag posts that because Mr H works so much, we actually answer our questions separately and I only see his answers when I edit the post, while he sees it usually once it's published. That makes it even funnier when some of our answers are so similar! haha

💀 Mr & Mrs Hallow 💀

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