Friday, 22 November 2019

Book Collection Tour: Part 2

This is part 2 of our collection of books so if you haven't seen it yet, please make sure to check out our Book Collection Tour: Part 1 !
Staying in our living room where three quarters of our books are housed, we move to the second of three bookcases. This one is a 'collection' fiesta, technically, of which you have seen the majority of already...

Top shelf! (Or maybe second depending on how you see it.) This shelf is for our precious Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and other Tolkien related books. Mr H used to be a big collector of Funko POP! Vinyls too, though downsized his collection last year only keeping the special LOTR, Harry Potter etc ones, two that you see here guarding the ring that I bought as a 13 year old fantasy fan!
To see Mr H's Tolkien collection in more detail and hear about it in his words make sure to click here and read his JRR Tolkien Collection post!

Originally, this whole bookcase was overtaken by purely Disney books. Part one showed that some of my Disney collection moved to that bookcase and others are even further away, in our bedroom. All that is left here are my Wonderful World of Reading books from around the 1950's to the 1990's and the newer Treasure Cove Story collectable books that, despite being from the past few years, include some absolutely beautiful old style artwork as well!

Lastly, on the bottom shelf is a part of another of our collections that you have already seen in more detail. Our full Harry Potter & The Wizarding World Book Collection can be seen if you click here, but as a quick explanation these books are my original childhood Potter series, the larger books in my series including art of, vaults etc and a couple other cool little magical world books - books from within the books and books about the books. How many times can I say books in one paragraph eh?

We have our 3rd instalment in this mini tour coming next month, however parts 1 and 2 are already outdated due to our book buying problem so maybe next year we'll have a re-arrange and re-tour! Maybe...

💀 Mr & Mrs Hallow 💀

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