Oooh, apparently it's been since a full four months since I published the first part of this series of stories! I didn't mean to leave it this long between posts, but I suppose it's quite fitting to be talking about these next parts of my paranormal experiences as we approach Halloween.
To read about where it all started, pop on over to this post > My Paranormal Life - The Beginning / Childhood Experiences.
As the title suggests, this next part follows on to my pre-teen and teenage years when there were a few more different occurrences throughout the years. However, as I approached my late teens and early adulthood things seemed to slow down. At that time the people in my life were disbelieving of me when I'd talk about any odd experiences and so I assume I repressed it and actively avoided any situations where anything could happen.
So this could have been not long before I officially became a teenager, but it was a while after the experiences I shared in my previous post so thought I'd talk about it in this one.
I grew up in Berwick Upon Tweed but my Dad's family mostly lived in Newcastle. My parents have never driven so it was always a train journey to come down, then a bus out to their house and so it often involved an overnight stay rather than a quick rush visit to return home the same day. At my Grandparents, there were 3 rooms, one a guest room and my grandparents had a room each and as a child, I'd stay with my Grandma. I guess this visit in particular I'd decided I was too old to share a room so was allowed to sleep downstairs on the sofa as long as I turned the TV and lights off before I fell asleep, as Granda had said.
While laying on the sofa watching TV I noticed a flash out of the corner of my eye! I looked up and saw what most people would describe as 'orbs' moving in a weird spiral type motion from the top of the curtains and it looked like they were accending up through the ceiling into what was my Grandma's Room. Because I got a shock, I turned the TV off and pulled my head under the covers. Remembering the light, I reached back to the lamp (one of those touch lights) and touched it to turn it off...then the 'big light' came on! Again, I got such a shock I jumped up, ran to the light switch and clicked it off when I was replied to by the radio blasting a static noise at me from the other side of the room.
I wasn't putting up with funny goings-on any longer so bolted up the stairs and slept laying on the floor of the guest room with my Mam and Dad haha!
Moving on some years, to me being about 14/15 and I was on a day out up in Edinburgh with my friend. We weren't the biggest shoppers and I prefer to do experiences, so this ended up being my first ever visit to the famous Mary Kings Close. Having grown up interested in the paranormal and watching Most Haunted, I definitely knew the basic history of Mary Kings Close, though wasn't exactly expecting anything (being a believer who looks at most things sceptically to try and explain them first) to happen, especially not as much as what did.
The first thing happened before we were even fully down on the Close! While descending the stairs, my friend and I were first in line behind the guide, I burst out crying. Yes, I do cry a lot but I swear I had no idea how or why, it just came over me and blurted out. The guide asked if I was okay and said that there was an apparent spirit lady 'who liked to do that'...
We went through a big chunk of the tour without any more interruptions until we were in the room where the cattle and livestock used to live. Stood in a semi-circle facing the guide I was at the far right side of the group as she told us the story of the room. I was on some part of uneven floor and snapped my head around to the right when I felt a firm hand resting on my right shoulder just as the guide was pointing out the drain for animal blood below my feet. Obviously, there was no one there and I whispered to my friend to ask if was her...however, her hand was resting against my left the whole time and no one else within the group was in reach of me. I always took that as a resident spirit comforting me sensing my discomfort with animal slaughter etc.
As the tour neared its end our group was split in two to visit a smaller area. If you have heard of Mary Kings Close, you will probably know about the child spirit Annie and her room with all the toys people leave as gifts for her. Without previously knowing anything about this room, my friend and I entered and turned to each other to discuss in whispers how very cold it was in there considering it being a much smaller space than everywhere else we had been and so you would assume it would be if anything, warmer. It was uncomfortably cold though not too many other people seemed bothered. At the end of the guides talk, he explained that one of the things that people had experienced in there was a sharp drop in temperature.
Those were my main stand out experiences from my teenage years. There were many other odd things that happened over those years from hearing bumps and bangs to seeing shadows and lights though none were more than that in each moment.
My next post about my paranormal life gets a little more interesting as the activity gets more intense.
Thank you for reading, I'd love to hear what you have paranormally seen, heard and felt before.
Until next time...