Monday 2 November 2020

Marriage Lvl.1 Complete

31st October 2020 - Home

October 31st 2019 to October 31st 2020 has literally been, or at least felt like, the fastest year of my life. Considering everything that has gone on, you know being safe at home and not being able to go exploring at all, you'd think that we'd be sick of each other...? It seems that 99% of married or co-habiting couples have complained at least once about having to spend so much time together and neither of us understand it in the slightest. Neither of us are social people, completely unbothered about talking to (let alone spending time with) anyone other than each other...infact social interaction is physically and mentally draining for me so not having to interact with members of the general public has been great. However! There were a few weeks during the peek of lockdown where we were lucky enough to have Mr H at home a lot more and it was brilliant. When he went back to work it sucked. So we certainly can't relate to the people who married people that they don't enjoy spending time with haha!

Anyway, the point of this was to mark our first wedding anniversary and seeing as we got married on our first anniversary of officially being together, it is also our second relationship anniversary!
Since January 2019 we have taken a monthly couples portrait. Below I'm sharing the portraits from our first as a married couple: 18 days into married life right up until our most recent portrait in October of this year (above). 

18th November 2019 - Berwick Town Walls

25th December 2019 - Eden Place Woods

16th January 2020 - Marsden Bay

23rd February 2020 - Primrose Nature Reserve

25th March 2020 - Our Back Garden

26th April 2020 - Our Back Garden...Again...

27th May 2020 - Beamish Woods, Stanley

17th June 2020 Headley Hall Woods
[Taken in 2 separate photos and edited together because we didn't have the tripod, hence the awkward look. ]

31st July 2020 - Our Front Garden

1st August 2020 Beamish Open Air Museum

30th September 2020 Newburn Riverside

Nothing about our relationship has really been traditional, you can read all about our 'engagement' and 'wedding' journey in this post > 'Becoming Mrs Hallow' to see how differently we did everything for the norm. However, we wanted to celebrate each year with year-by-year traditional wedding anniversary gifts. Year 1 is paper and originally our tickets for our honeymoon to Disneyland Paris were going to be the 'gift'. I direct you to this blog post > Honeymoon Cancellation Update which makes the previous sentence impossible. We had also planned to buy a special piece of art from the Art of Disney store in the Disney Village while on our Honeymoon...surely you can see how that wouldn't work out either. 
Finally, we were going to get tattoos, somewhat substituting our skin for paper I guess, another thing that is something I completely do not feel comfortable doing with a pandemic sweeping the planet and considering I haven't been around any other humans in 8 months.

After a long time of looking into different things, decided on a custom 'spooky' art piece and researching artists to try and find something to fit our style. After trawling Etsy we finally settled on a Haunted House portrait from Sian Ellis Illustrator where she spook-ifies your own home. She is super talented and so accommodating considering our request of squeezing our ten pets into the portrait. We also ordered a custom frame to be able to really appreciate and show off its specialness on the wall. 

As for celebrating, we didn't miss out on a fancy meal, night out or weekend away because we would do that stuff even in a non-Covid world. But as shown in the first photo, we spent a lovely day in our skeleton onesies, carving pumpkins, watching Netflix and eating pizza. I still am and always will be annoyed that our Honeymoon got taken from us and I know we will never get one like it was going to be, but perhaps we might be able to go on one to celebrate our 5th or even 10th anniversary! 
I'm in no rush. Every day is a good day with Mr H no matter where we are. 

Until next time!

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