Wednesday 20 January 2021

Our Eco Journey - Pets


Before I continue, please feel free to check out the other posts in Our Eco Journey:

The Bathroom
The Kitchen
Out and About
50 Things I Don't Buy

This has been in the drafts for many months and it's time to get it up. We try hard to bring an eco-friendly outlook to all aspects of our lives, that includes with our 10 babies, however it's more difficult with animals because first and foremost their care and needs have to be met to the highest standard. They don't have the choice to say what they want or don't want and although there are many arguments and thoughts about raising animals, we are personally doing what we can to give them the best life we can. I mention this not only because of the list of items below but because we are obviously vegans that do not feed our animals a vegan diet. My choices should not impact their basic needs. So there are probably more eco-friendly pet products but we place our pets health, safety and happiness first.

That being said, here are the things we have been doing and using to be more eco-minded when it comes to our little family. 

Beco Bowls
We love these! I'm going to share exactly what it says on their website because they word it best -
''A sustainably made bamboo food and water bowl that will last for years in the home, before naturally breaking down once disposed of. Natural food dyes are used to create bright colours.''
All of our animals minus the snakes use these! That means we own 10 in different sizes and colours!
We also have the litter scoop from Beco.

Eco Toys
Of course our spoiled guys and girls have accumulated a lot of toys over the years, some not so sustainable, however, those that aren't are sewed and washed to extend their lives often. We do have a few more natural options made for the likes of hessian, natural rubber etc and even some that have been made from recycled plastic bottles. 

Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags
With the amount of these that we go through, it's a must that these are biodegradable. I think all those sold should be. It's disappointing to walk along and see that someone has gone to the trouble of picking up their dogs poo but instead of taking it to a bin to dispose of, they've flung it to hang in a plastic bag from a branch or bush.

Compostable Food Bag
We've chosen to feed our dog and guinea pigs a dry food from a brand who has a great environmental ethic. They try to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental effects in numerous ways but one is with a compostable food bag! Read more about what Harringtons are doing here.

Terracycle Cat Food Pouches
If you have a cat you'll be aware of the sheer amount of these pouches that you go through in a month...and we have 2 cats. It's not always an option to use something that is eco friendly in the first place but thankfully the Terracycle scheme (click to read more) deals with these. We clean them out thoroughly while doing our normal washing up, let them dry out and box them all up to drop off. 
Currently we have an insane stack because the drop off point isn't accepting them right now, plus I can't go anywhere. They'll keep until we can get them taken though.

Wooden Cat Litter
I've always used this option with my previous rabbits and such, so when Mr H and I moved in I got him onto this option for the girls. Wooden litter is obviously made from a natural material. It's renewable and biodegradable and also technically recycled itself as it is made of waste from other industries.
There are many other benefits too including price!

Homemade Hay
In the summer when cutting our grass we were able to save some of the good stuff and dry it out to give to the Guinea Pigs as some additional fresh hay. 

Veg Offcuts
Not only do we use offcuts from our own vegetables at home but Mr H often brings a big bundle of broccoli stalks, fresh parsley offcuts and more home from work (he is a head chef) which the Guineas always love. 

Sustainable Treats
We may be vegan but we know that it is not in the best interests for animals to be so. Some people will argue that certain pets can survive on an all-vegan diet, however, we aren't those people haha. 
That being said when it comes to their food and treats where possible we stick to certain brands and certain 'animal products'. For example, I never buy anything including lamb, duck and exotic meats for Baker - we stick to chicken and turkey mainly.
Brand wise we enjoy those who put the effort in to have recyclable packaging, organic ingredients and higher standards where animal products are concerned. Baker loves Pooch and MuttLily's Kitchen and Whimzees the most!

I've really enjoyed compiling this series and can already see changes from some of the other posts, which definitely reflects in the title 'Our Eco Journey'. Sadly, there are also a tiny handful of things that have taken a step backwards over the past year what with a global pandemic and such. While I'm on the subject, I have to stress how important investing in a reusable/washable mask or a few is. Please do not use disposables unless you are in healthcare, elderly care or another profession that calls for it. These among other things like disposable cleaning wipes, excess plastic and an increase in single-use disposables have presented a huge dilemma for our planet. All I have heard during this time is how great it has been for the planet with fewer cars on the road and a decrease in pollution from places of business, but it's been forgotten how bad one use, throw away culture has become.
For now I'm going to leave it here and perhaps revisit this series in a year or so to see how we have (hopefully) progressed.

I hope these posts have helped or inspired someone out there. Thanks for reading!
Until next time...

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