Monday 14 September 2020

Life Lately // August

[The photo above is our monthly couple portrait for August. We have been taking these since January 2019!]

Rather than do monthly updates on our lives, when we really aren't that interesting anyway, I've decided to put them together just as and when I feel the need. Our previous 'Life Lately' and technically first (well since re-starting Underland to Wonderland) was back in May so we now have a good 3 months to catch up on...I wonder if much has changed. This will be cool to see if only for my own reference!
To check out May's Life Lately click here!

You may or may not know that we have three blogs in total, so let's start off with those and highlight some of what was posted on them throughout the past month or so.

Adventures of the Hallows - My Photo Diary Blog!
I have taken daily photos since 2013 (2014 were weekly photos) and I share them each week in blog posts. I also have a series, Back Through the Lens, where I look back at that exact week over the past 7 years and chose a photo from each to re-share and reminisce about! Check out the past four weeks worth of posts below!

The calendar below shows my August daily photos in one big overview! A lot of days have more than one photo per day, so to see them all and see the images in a larger size make sure to follow the links listed above.


Our daily photos are usually a pretty good representation of what goes on in our life throughout the month, but for the things they don't show see below...

Everything to do with my husband. He is so incredibly hardworking, kind, caring, understanding and has top-notch tolerance of me in general. I can't believe that in only 47 days we will have been married 1 whole year already!! This guy is keeping me going just now because my sadness and in turn anger at everything going on just now seems neverending.

Oooh, do we really get me started ranting? haha I hate that I don't get to have a honeymoon, that I have barely seen my parents for months and that we have to rely on online shopping for everything (including just buying a new battery for the fire alarm) because we can't just pop to the store, while everyone else seems to be moaning that 'their freedom has been taken away from them' and new guidelines/rules are too harsh for them. People have literally lost their lives or loved ones, lost jobs and homes, but selfish, ignorant and entitled people still think being hygienic, sensible and respectful is too difficult.

Like I stated above; sad, angry, fed up. But also excited for October. It is my 30th birthday on October 12th which I'm not the most excited for...however Halloween, our anniversary and October in general are what we love!

About the future. When will we be able to go for walks again? Will we ever get to travel or go on a Honeymoon? Will I be able to get a job? I'm petrified of the world and the way it's heading, not only because of the pandemic but because of the world leaders who are ruining everything. Nowhere feels safe and I highly doubt it will improve any time soon.

As of today while I'm writing, the 10th of September, I'm at 40 completed books for 2020! My goal was set on Goodreads at 36 books, 3 books for each month, which felt achievable to me, so it's super nice to have surpassed that with another 3+ months still to read.
I'm currently reading The Great Elephant Chase by Gillian Cross and have also just started to listen to the audiobook of The Enchanted Castle by E Nesbit as it's been a while since I listened to a book.

In the last update, I said that we'd watched more shows and movies in those few months than we had the whole previous year. Although Mr H went back to work months ago, our viewing habits haven't died down as much as you'd think. This wasn't all in just September obviously, but some of the things we've watched lately were: All 7 seasons of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996), All 5 seasons of Saved by the Bell (1989), SBTB The College Years and the SBTB movies, all of which I have personal digital files of.
As for Netflix, everything in the following list we have watched in its entirety unless otherwise stated: Queer Eye, Love on the Spectrum, Buy it Now, the most recent series of AGT and a couple of things that we really wouldn't usually be into but had nothing else to watch...Benidorm, Tattoo Fixers, Body Fixers and Don't Tell the Bride. 
Currently we are halfway through Saved by the Bell: The New Class and have just started Gilmore Girls! That all sounds a whole lot but we actually only watch stuff for a couple of hours in the evenings.

Doing More
Buying stuff? haha That sounds awful! We really aren't usually the type to go shopping or buy pointless crap but over the past couple months, we seem to have had many a parcel arrive at our door! It's been Baker's 8th birthday so he got gifts, we can't go in stores so the charity shop book hauls are non-existent meaning we've bought more than a handful of books online! I also collect the Castle Collection pins from ShopDisney which come out bi-monthly and we've had a little spree of Disney Halloween items seeing as our Disneymoon isn't happening... 

Doing Less
Planning. I've no trips to plan of course, but I also usually have a weekly plan for household chores and blogging etc but I haven't been physically writing a plan for a little while. 

Stand out moments in the last few months:
- We completed our charity Virtual 5k Rhino Run for Saving the Survivors!
- On June 26th, it was 1 whole year of us living in our house (anniversary photo shown above).
- A little Hedgehog found us to help rehabilitate him (link for Hoggle's blog post above).
- We decorated Baker's bedroom...finally.
- I took an at-home DIY blood test.
- Beamish re-opened and we visited for the first time since December. (blog post of photos linked above).
- Baker turned 8 on the 26th of August!
- The reptile room is pretty much finished with all snakes and lizards in their 'new' homes.

Until next time...

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