Friday 5 March 2021

What Mrs Hallow Read This Quarter [October - December]


 It is indeed March and I am just getting around to posting my own Quarterly Reading Round-Up for the final part of 2020. This blog has well and truly been left behind this year. 


The Green Ember by S.D. Smith
I don't know if it was more so the narrator of this, or the story itself, but I just didn't enjoy listening to this audiobook. I had this and others from the same series in my book buying wishlist as I liked the sound of the description, so I'm hoping it was just the strange way the American narrator chose to bring the story to life and that I can give reading it a go in the future. 

The Whitby Witches by Robin Jarvis
Not starting out October brilliantly, this one fell slightly short for me. It was a good idea and I enjoyed it overall but I think my expectations were too high with it being based in a place I am familiar with. 

The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
We're steadily increasing the star ratings haha! I happened upon this book while looking for things to read for Halloween and bought it from eBay. It wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be from the synopsis but the 'moral' of it and stuff was pretty cool - I enjoyed it!

Nightmares! The Sleepwalker Tonic by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller
I loved the first one and loved the second one just as much. I look forward to reading the next also.

The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste
I first came across this book in my recommended section on Amazon and stuck it on my wishlist. This is another I bought specifically to read in October and I'm so glad I did - a wonderful story and so uplifting to read something from another culture. Another I am eager to read the sequel. 

Disneyland Paris Phantom Manor: Decrypted by Jérémie Noyer and Mathias Dugouyon
It's not often I pick up a non-fiction book, but when I do you can almost always guarantee it's Disney related. 

Pirates of the Caribbean - Un trésor d'attraction by Jérémie Noyer and Mathias Dugoujon
As above!


The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell
Anything with 'Magic', 'Witch' or 'Wizard in the title automatically has my interest. 
It was good, I enjoyed it but purely comparing to some of the other things I've read lately it didn't quite make it to the 4-star mark.

The Ghost Tree by Christina Henry
Not what I expected and I guess another thing that was a little 'too adult' for me. It's no new news that I am not a fan of adult themes and the portrayal of the friend of the lead character was something I didn't find necessary or enjoyable. If all that teenage, hormonal, adult-y stuff was left out I'd have given the storyline a much higher rating. 

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
I bought this book eons ago when doing a blog post about Disney movies that were based on books, however it has sat on my shelf until now. I'd seen the movie previous and I'm glad I got around to this because I enjoyed it much more than the movie. 


The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket
I'm still just sticking in with these because I want to finish the series. As I've said in previous talks about The Series of Unfortunate Events, I like the main plot etc. The writing style on the other hand is a little annoying. 

The Umbrella Mouse by Anna Fargher
One of the best books I've read in a long time! I loved this so much. SO much in fact I immediately went online to order the sequel upon finishing this. 

Frostheart by Jamie Littler
This had already been at home in our collection for a little while when I saw a couple of people I know raving about it. I picked it up and the next availability and can see why others loved it. I look forward to reading the sequel.

Letters from Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien
So considering I hate and don't celebrate Christmas, I have a huge interest in Father Christmas and his origins story. I read The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum back in 2017 and adored it so when Mr H got Letters from Father Christmas as part of his ever-growing Tolkien collection I had to give it a read. Beautiful book, beautiful images by a beautiful person. Super special!

The Tale Of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
Being such Disney and animal fans in this house, we of course love stories about little mice. This was nice, but knowing it has been made into a movie, it was not as amazing as I'd built it up to be.

Umbrella Mouse To The Rescue by Anna Fargher
See above. The sequel was equally as wonderful. I cried a lot and fell in love with the story behind the story.

Treasured Tales from Beatrix Potter by Beatrix Potter
My childhood!! I still have my copies of these books at my parents house from when I was tiny and picked up this mini anthology from a charity shop a while ago. I was lovely to end the year with such nostalgia. 

A nice stack of reads to finish up last year and with some great star ratings too. I would even go as far as to say that a couple of the books mentioned in this post are favourites of 2020, if not all-time favourite reads.
17 in total took my annual total to 62, 26 more than my goal - woohoo!
Hopefully, I'll be able to get around to writing up my Year in Books. Until then you could always check out my Goodreads Year in Books 2019

Until next time...

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