Monday 3 June 2024

Life Lately - May


To start, here are all the blog posts I've published in May over my 2 blogs -

Underland to Wonderland - Right here!
Life Lately - April
A Year at WWT Washington // Spring Part 3
The Birds of 2024 - April
I Hate Being Autistic
RSPB Saltholme
15 Disney Quotes to Live By

Adventures of the Hallows - My Photo Diary Blog!
I have taken daily photos since 2013 (2014 were weekly photos) and I share them each week in blog posts.
 Check out the past month's worth of posts below!
2024 Daily Photos // Days 113 - 119
2024 Daily Photos // Days 120 - 126
2024 Daily Photos // Days 127 - 133
2024 Daily Photos // Days 134 - 140
2024 Daily Photos // Days 141 - 147

And below is May's daily photo overview in calendar form.
Many days have more than one photo so make sure to visit the posts above to see all the photos!



Our daily photos are usually a pretty good representation of what goes on in our life throughout the month, but for the things they don't show see below...

Getting validation from my Osteopath.

Not being listened to by doctors.

In pain.

How flawed the NHS and the medical field in general are (particularly for women).
Men were always used as the main point of reference and women weren't even included in any
clinical trials until 1993 so much less is known about everything to do with anything us.

A Street Dog Named Pup by Gill Lewis
Doggie Language by Lili Chin
Spellhound by Lian Tanner
In Defence of Dogs by John Bradshaw
The Mountain Rescue Dog by Juliette Forrest
The Black Dog Mystery by Ellery Queen Jr.

Birds of a Feather S4-10
RPDR All Stars S9
The Watcher in the Woods

Doing More
Being outside

Doing Less
Any work that requires the laptop.

Stand Out Moments
- Seeing a private osteopath 
- Our solitary bee left home!
- Dawn Chorus Day
- The Hawthorn is flowering for the very first time.
- A Butterfly rescue
- Catching up with Laura and Buddie
- Seeing the Ring-Necked Parakeets again
- A Shield Bug landed on my knee
- Our Oak tree is growing so well.
- Spoonbill at Wader Lake!!!!


Alongside my daily photos, I also take 1 second (usually more haha) of video each day.
See below for this month's video!

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