Thursday 22 December 2022

Where Does Time Go?

I think this is the longest space of time this year that I haven't had a blog post go up. The last post was the monthly 'Cats I Loved in July' on the 9th of December, meaning that as I type this it's been two weeks. 
It's difficult to explain to people who don't understand but although this isn't my job, very few people read, and on the whole whether I post or not, nor how often, doesn't really matter at all, to me it does. I used to get myself so stuck on my schedule and routine posts that I'd work like mad to get stuff up, but somehow I've managed to let those cares go. 

Just like all of my other posts here, especially the waffley ones like this, are (as I have said time and time again throughout my many years of blogging) solely for me. Therefore, why am I writing this pointless post? To remind myself how life is currently. 

I have plenty of ideas, plans, and content to post but apparently, time just disappears. There are posts that are sat as empty drafts with nothing but a title, some that have been scheduled and half complete, and then as the date it's due to post rolls around have had to be reverted to draft. We've had two little holidays of sorts this year and neither of them has been written about yet, one of which happened in August and I'm yet to even edit the photos. 

It feels confusing and frustrating because really I have no excuse to not get stuff done. 
I don't work. I'm at home all day, every day (minus one) now that Mr H is also insured on the car and drives himself to work. Where does my time go?!
One day a week I am out of the house for a few hours when I volunteer at Cats Protection. One week per month I'm on shift for the Pet Bereavement Support Service that I volunteer for. Other than that what do I do? 

Surely it doesn't take 8-9 hours a day to care for our 12 animals, nor to clean the house or cook which I probably only do half of the time because Mr H comes home and does it himself the other half? 
I'm sure my neurodiversity, chronic pain and whatever other ailments set me back on any particular day, probably affect my daily life but it makes me angry at myself when I see people my age working full time jobs, raising children, having busy social lives and also somehow managing to do all the cooking and cleaning too. Do they just not sleep? Do I sleep too much? I get up between 6-7 but we do go to bed relatively early compared to most people. 
Once Mr H gets home from work we eat and have a few hours together before going to bed and reading for a while. I could do more work in the evenings, but I won't sacrifice the limited time we have together.

So all of this drivvle to say, I have so many wonderful posts to come and I just need to find the time.
To hold myself accountable, it is here in writing that I want to implement a more set daily schedule and make better use of my time.

Time is in such short supply as it is. I don't want to wonder where my time went, but to be able to see how and where I have spent it. 

Above is a quick clip from our Winter Solstice walk at Marsden Bay. 

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