Friday 30 August 2024

Baker Turns 12.


Just as it came last year, and the year before that, the 26th of August brought International Dog Day! 
Colleen Paige, an Animal Advocate and a Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert founded the day marking the date she adopted her first family dog, Sheltie. It wasn't just to celebrate her dog though, but to celebrate and appreciate dogs as a whole - the unconditional love, joy and in general value dogs bring to our lives. Colleen also wanted to bring a focus to pet adoption, highlighting rescue shelters and to adopt, not shop. 20 years on, the latter message has gotten a little lost, though of course with social media many people's dogs get the shout-out they deserve.
I'll always take the opportunity where possible to shout about the 'Adopt, Don't Shop' movement and encourage you to seek out your local rescue (or even travel further afield) when in search of a new pet. From cats, dogs and small furries, to reptiles, birds and horses, rescues care for a whole host of species, breeds, ages and temperaments - there really is no excuse not to adopt. Safe the life of an animal who has already been let down by people and give them the chance they deserve. 
If you are not in the position to add a pet to your family, why not support your local rescue anyway? You can volunteer your time or talents, and donate goods or money. Every little thing helps. 

As you can tell, the 26th of August isn't just International Dog Day, but also our own dog Baker's birthday! He has been on this crazy planet for 12 full years and with me just shy of that. Tweleve! 
Here are some photos from his birthday...

Check out some of his previous birthdays below
Baker Turns 8!
Baker is 9
A Decade with Baker
Baker's 11th Birthday!

Thankfully, this year unlike last, Daddy was off work and able to be at home with us on the actual day. However, Granny and Granda weren't here this year. So although like clockwork I made his birthday banner, took his portraits and he opened his presents, we didn't have a little tea party this year. 
As is discussed every year, he really doesn't want for anything. He gets toys and treats and anything he needs all throughout the year, and so we'd planned to only get a couple of bits...of course that didn't happen!
I want to avoid talking about his ageing too much in this post, but it was extra evident this year while he opened his gifts. He was less interested, more easily tired and less dexterous. It may have taken longer and included more breaks but he opened all but two and then lay down for a big nap! With that being said, we've been finding different forms of enrichment and keeping his mind and body busy than the usual games we play so new hide-and-seek toys (which he has a few of already and loves) as well as a new puzzle toy were included in his haul.

Some facts about Baker from the past year:
- He has gone from only being able to eat chicken breast and rice, back onto a dried kibble after a sickly week put him off!
- No longer able to conquer the stairs, his new bedroom is the living room and for the first time in his life he has decided not to sleep in his cage and instead favours the sofa.
- He still cries and winges just as much and is determined in his mind that he can bound about like he used to, but his body tells him he can't and he often gets frustrated at that.
- We got him a buggy! See his first time out in it here > The First Adventure with Baker's New Buggy!
- In June his 3rd annual camping trip was attempted, however, he decided to go on hunger strike the first day and we had to drive all the way home the next day! 
- He did get the opportunity to set foot in Loch Ness though. 
- Baker's current favourite toy, not counting his birthday additions, is a big spider. Funnily enough, he used to hate even the word spider as he was scared of the creature but now, apparently not! 
- His hearing is waning, but it doesn't seem to bother him too much.
- If he used to be clingy, then I dunno what you'd call him now! Baker loves to have physical contact at most times and still loves to give his Mam kisses.

Here's to many more years of my boy, Baker.

Check out some of his previous birthdays below
Baker Turns 8!
Baker is 9
A Decade with Baker
Baker's 11th Birthday!

Monday 26 August 2024

Portpatrick, Galloway Holiday 2023 // Part 2


Hello! Did you see part 1 of this post? >>> Portpatrick, Galloway Holiday 2023 // Part 1 

This is the second half of the photos taken on our morning exploring Portpatrick in the historical county of Wigtonshire, Dumfries and Galloway. Still following our Treasure Trails clues around the village we came upon the start of the Southern Upland Way, Scotland's only coast-to-coast long-distance route (341km/211miles), which trails from Portpatrick on the West coast to Cockburnspath on the East coast. As much as I'd love to do this walk, we traipsed up the steps to see the view from the top, then came straight back down again! 
As you'll see from the photos, there was a heavy haar hanging over the harbour. However, it was starting to become uncomfortably warm for me. I layered on more suncream to my red-head skin, Baker had a drink of nice cool water and was enjoying his walk so we continued on along to St Andrew's Kirk.

The Kirk was definitely a highlight. As the seafront (where the pub and a couple of little stores were located) had become busier as the day went on, we were happy to feel isolated in these beautiful ruins. 
The Kirk dates back to the 16th Century, though the circular tower seen behind us has a confusing history. It is said to be medieval, but with its shape being usual for a Church, it is also thought to have served as a Lighthouse at one time. 
Whatever its history, the area had a lovely feeling of peace despite the intrigue pulsing from the tower itself. How nature has become a part of the ruins and has yet to fully take over is beautiful too. 

Before the heat became too much we took the short walk back to the car stopping only to get Baker's photo on this bench by the Old Lighthouse. We had one or two clues left on our Treasure Trail, so while Baker and I enjoyed the shade, aircon and a drink, Mr H took a quick walk in search of the final answers as well as a snack from the shop. By this point, it had gotten much busier and the queue for the little shop was out the door so we headed off back to camp...

2023 Holiday Posts:
North Rhinns Camping, Stranraer 2023
Portpatrick, Galloway Holiday 2023 // Part 1

2022 Holiday Posts:

Friday 23 August 2024

Portpatrick, Galloway Holiday 2023 // Part 1


June 2023, Mr H and I took our little man Baker on his second camping holiday to Dumfries and Galloway. On the second morning of our trip, we drove over to Portpatrick nice and early armed with the Treasure Trails Treasure Quest booklet to explore the area. As always, I took a whole host of photos so I've split this post into two parts, see below for the start of our adventure...

On the west coast of the Rhins of Galloway, Portpatrick was a 20-minute drive/8 miles from our campground North Rhinns Camping, Stranraer. It is an old fishing village boasting a beautiful harbour, ruins of 
St Patrick's Chapel (shown in part 2) and is a half-mile walk from Dunskey Castle which we visited from the opposite side the previous year. We had hoped to do the walk up to the Castle this year, however contrary to what the photos show, the day began to turn extremely hot and we returned to the aircon of the car for the sake of Baker more than anything. 

I'm a big fan of Treasure Trails and have done many over the past 10 years. I find that whether visiting a new place or your hometown it helps you to discover hidden gems, learn facts and makes a fun structure to your day. We did complete this one, but I haven't shared anything except photos of some of the areas included so no major spoilers if you fancy doing it one day!

This year, 2024, the RNLI are celebrating 200 years of lifesaving. I don't know about people who live in-land, but as someone who grew up in a coastal town, the RNLI has always been well-known and important to me. As stated on their website, ''For almost 150 years an all-weather lifeboat has operated from Portpatrick's picturesque harbour. The crews have been honoured with five awards for gallantry, including a Bronze Medal for a launch to one of the worst peacetime disasters involving a British merchant vessel.'' It is well seen in Portpatrick how appreciated and central to the village the Lifeboat Station is and if you're interested in more of their history and medal records I recommend popping over to > Portpatrick's station history | RNLI

Something personal to me is that Portpatrick was the first place I ever saw Black Guillemots! Being the bird obsessor that I am, that's a special thing to me. I'll share more on our day in the part 2 post. 
Until next time...

2023 Holiday Posts:
North Rhinns Camping, Stranraer 2023

2022 Holiday Posts: