Wednesday 8 September 2021

Baker is 9


Can you believe it?! This tiny puppy is 9 years old! 9! Almost a decade. I can't. 
It's also crazy to think that it means he's now been by my side for pretty much a third of my life! People have come and gone, and other than my parents Baker has been the only constant for me - the being I have known the longest. 

People call dog 'man's best friend' but I don't think they fully get the complexity of that small statement and how seriously it is said by many of us. It is no lie to say that I have no idea where I would be or how I would cope if it wasn't for Baker's constant loyalty, company and support. It goes even further than being best friends though, he is my son and it breaks my heart when people try to take that title away from us animal parents. From cleaning up sick, constant playing, hugging him until he falls asleep, dealing with poop situations and so much more I am a parent and I love him with the same fierceness as those with human children (no matter how they try to argue it).

If there's any debate on how special this dog is, did you know he was born on August 26th - International Dog Day?! Coincidence? I think not! 

Anyway. Mr H was working on the actual day of Baker's birthday so we celebrated a day early. Here are the photos we took.

It's getting more difficult as the years go by to know what to get this guy for his birthday, he is spoiled after all and needs for nothing. However, he loves opening things so much! I guess we could just wrap up empty boxes and he'd still have fun but if you could see the joy he gets from new toys you'd spoil him too haha. 
Of course, his Granny and Granda weren't able to make it in person so they watched him open his presents over the webcam. We still did have a picky tea though! A lovely mini (oh-so healthy haha) vegan buffet complete with cupcakes made especially for Baker by his daddy.

It was a lovely day. Bittersweet somewhat for me because, inevitably, he's getting older and that worries me. I have a fear of death, myself and my loved ones, but that's a topic for another time.

To see more of Baker and his life, you can check out these posts from the past year or two:

.'' Having a dog will bless you with many of the happiest days of your life, and one of the worst. ''

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